Business Insider reports that actress Melissa McCarthy apologized for donating to a Christian charity that helps save children from sex traffickers.
This is how sick Hollywood has become!
The organization McCarthy donated to is called Exodus Cry, which Daily Beast called “an anti-abortion group hell-bent on killing the sex industry.”
McCarthy and HBO Max, the sponsor of the campaign, both issued statements apologizing for supporting a charity that while it saves chldren from the sex-salve trade, also is against abortion. Oh the horror!
McCarthy and HBO Max subsequently pulled their support for the group and now only list charities that approve of killing innocent babies inside the womb, including Planned Parenthood.
McCarthy said, “We’re sorry for our mistake, oh boy are we sorry for it … Can’t believe that we missed it.”
Benjamin Nolot, the founder of the charity, told reporters, “Since our inception, Exodus Cry has been raising awareness about the injustice of sex trafficking, advocating for effective legislation, and assisting victims and survivors, and we continue this critical work to the present day.”
Watch the video as Allie Beth Stuckey of Blaze TV examined how McCarthy and most of the rest of Hollywood view our lives.
Hollywood is garbage! If we the people are smart, don’t go see any of their movies or go to their concerts..they will dry up like rotten fruits, which is exactly what they are!
I hope that happens soon. Melissa is a wolf in sheeps clothing to apologize for a good deed. How sad. Bollywood is a disgusting group of communist.
This is all about money and fear of the liberals. Apologizing for supporting christianity makes her one sick puppy!
THANK GOD we have people like you to voice what is wrong! Maybe if we are loud enough, Melissa will retrack again and say ” I made a mistake- I DO support this” we can only hope and pray for that. I have always said, all the nonbelievers, people who talk against Jesus– wait for them to die and tell God how they ” feel” lol
Yes, it’s sad but she just gave up her devotion and soul to the devil incarnate called Hollywood!
lol agree with you Susan..roflmbo
I certainly hope i am there to see that. I’m pretty sure God would not allow it, but, I would love to hear a massive crowd of believers laughing their butt’s off at these hollyweird fools, on judgment day.
she wants to continue working and earning the almighty dollar. would be interested to hear what she tells our maker on her judgment day. I would not apologize for anything, regardless of what financial cost. my soul is worth more than a few million dollars. and she played some religious themed movies too!!!! I have said all along that if we the people refuse to buy their garbage, movies, rap etc they would all just disappear into the woodwork from whence they came. the biggest disappointment to me was when L L cool J came out with his remark about Trump supporters. Kurt Russell has it right. Hollywood types need to keep out of politics. they have no idea what the little people go through. boycott them all!!!!
you are right less boycott
She is terrified she will not work if she does not toe the rabid liberal line.
Absolutely agree with you!!
Entertainment is slipping away, few watch the NFL and NBA and 99.9 percent of Hollywood’s offerings are garbage. Oh my, what shall we do? How about reading a book!
I couldn’t agree with you more. Folding to the swamp is horrible. God Save the Children
Ronald Reagan found that out when he was the president of the Screen Actors Guild (Hollywood’s labor union) in 1947. He even went before Congress to testify about it. That’s when he made his switch from a liberal Democrat to a conservative Republican. The left never forgave him for that.
No Mr. Watkins, they didn’t forgive him.. but look at the President he turned out to be!! Do you think Ronald ever lost any sleep over that?
Me either
I wonder who put the pressure on her; most likely a organization whose first letter Is a S and ends with Y.
Sad that those douchebags make way too much money and then get sucked into organizations this powerful.
Never spend another penny on anything any person in Hollywood does.Let spend their money to see each other act.All are doomed for HELL ANYWAY.
she is as stupid as Drew Brees. Bringing disrespect to what you are trying to defend. I hope you get your ribs broken too….moron
McCarthy in the 50s was right after all. Communism is the virus covid is how it is spread. All in the name of murder. Adrenochrone. Sexual torture. Baby parts selling… bye bye vampires
Exactly. The now declassified record shows that Senator McCarthy was correct about communist spies in our government and military. The Venona Program was declassified in 1995. It was the secret surveillance program run by the U.S. during the 30s, 40s, 50s. You can find the Decrypts today compiled in book form: The Venona Secrets, by Rommerstein and Breindel. American communists (leftists) tried to poo poo the communist threat. One of the ways was to accuse people of thinking there was a communist behind every tree (the Red Scare). We now know that if there wasn’t a communist behind every tree, there was a communist behind every other tree. There were hundreds of communist spies operating in the U.S. The FDR administration had at least four communist spies within it. The book shows the damage these spies did to our country, and the American lives that were lost because of them.
Part of the swamp.
Defund is a good word Let’s use THE LEFT’S WORD … Let’s “CANCEL Hollywood”
Been doing that for many years. Have boycotted their films for decades.
Bravo! Get rid of Communism!
“fear is the passion of slaves” The stupid will continue to fund their abuse, wanting to blame others. You cannot be equal and be a victim. choose wisely
Obviously Hollywood is full of pedifiles
That’s what bolsheviks are anyway.
To embrace someone else’s opinions, thoughts, ideology is suicide of your intellect. It is a measure of how much you will forfeit your freedom of speech, religion, achievements, GOD given rights and to allow Hollywood to think for you is even more horrendous.
Question is why did she tell anyone what she had done? She should have been smart enough to know what would happen if she let any of those idots know what she did. Do what is right and be quite.
Jesus had a lot to say about abortion you should read it Melissa.
She only reads Marx and Talmud
Absolutely True! If we all stay away, they will get the point that nobody cares about them.
I quit paying money to be fed their stupid nonsense years ago. “put no evil before your eyes” “come out from among them and be ye separate”. Use YOUR money wisely (If’n ya can)
You are absolutely right. Let’s stop watching their movies, any shows they may be on and literally turning our backs on them!! Let’s abandon them and not respond to anything they say
Stop apologizing for loving and caring about people of all ages. Stand up for what is right Melissa!
and NEVER send your children to be brainwashed by gov’t. socialist (schools)
As many abortions I’ve been involved with, I’m shocked at the routine brutality t the left sanctions as a defense of a woman’s right to abort… All given by a group of:
Old, White men.
Melissa, why could you not stand up for your own beliefs?
You are a coward.
Hollywood has gone crazy and people have given them too much power. Apologizing for a donation is a person’s right. She would have been better off if she would have told them to kiss her ass. But, in Hollywood do as we say or you will never work again. Poor fools.
I would thank you to stop insulting garbage ! It at least got that way honestly while Hollywood has let itself sink lower than whale turds at the bottom of the Marianas Trench .(deepest spot of the Pacific and on planet . Deeper that Everest is tall)
AMEN to that.
I agree. Those communist creeps aren’t worth our time. The state of Californication sure lives up to the title. To apologize for giving to children is sick. They would rather give to killing babies.
If anyone agrees with this they are one sick puppy and should be condemned too hell
wonder if they were subject to a sex trafficker would they hope someone would try to rescue them?? Hollywood has gone completely mad. I agree…don’t go to the movies, don’t attend concerts, and watch only those who support the American flag and way of life. Really folks, if these yahoos get their way, who do they think is going to be able to support their decadent life styles?
Laying your treasures on earth will never get you to heaven, but no doubt, heaven is the essence of earthly money, gold, riches such as to the Zuckerburgs, Silicon Valley, Gates, and Hollywood memes.
Almighty, Holy GOD forgive us for our evil thoughts, ideas, our ideology, and our lack of human decency to have mercy on the children, and other helpless and homeless persons. There is no thought of others only fame and fortune for self and tax breaks.
As I read all of this I first think sanctity of life is the issue. No one can doubt when a baby is present with a beating heart. This surely is a blessing not a curse. Many may need help with this situation but people should be excited to hell . To protect and give love and encouragement. That’s how society should be. How can we deny the miracle of this event? How can we be so selfish tonot realize our beginning. There is good and bad in the world. Let’s make a decision for good. If you have a career and money use it for good. Who do you think allowed you to succeed? Do you think that you are so great that nothing concerns you for your choices. The world of Hollywood reflects mostly Babylon type life styles. It also reflects control from upper sources if you want popularity and exposure. I believe there are some good people in the mix and it’s your job to find them . You may not make as much but you will have peace and strength in your self. We all will come to the end of our days . Let love and common sense direct your path.
I will never pay to see another movie. These people are sick ?.
Agree 100% ! Stop renting movies , going to movies , stop buying cds , DVDs are even records
I so agree. So glad that tv still has the old shows that had nice stories and morals. That is all there is to watch and enjoy. I am so sick of these disgusting bullies and hope that they get what they totally deserve. Ban the new movies, the sponsors that pay for these awful TV shows and that is the way we can hurt all their pocketbooks. These people have no brains, no sense of respect or morals.
Milissa, don’t let these people intimidate you, God will have control in the end and you will have your reward!
I FULLY support Walter in WHAT he says! As another person said, I, TOO luv Melissa McCarthy movies! I am strong in my Christian faith and WAS so disappointed in hearing that Melissa actually APOLOGIZED for donating to Christian charity! I PRAY DAILY for Melissa and HOLLYWOOD/DEMOCRATS (especially the view/joy Behar) WHO continue to go against GOD in treating/talking BADLY against President Trump, his family, his admin and MANY OTHER PEOPLE! We are ALL Gods people SO Hollywood/democrats/violent groups SHOULD be VERY CAREFUL! GOD is NOT happy WHEN ANY of his CHILDREN ARE treated BADLY or killed in abortions! Everyone thank U for listening! I DO NOT have Facebook, Twitter SO I don’t respond online OFTEN! But PLEASE HEAR me! And always remember Scripture James 4:7!????????Also READING/STUDYING your Bible is AWESOME! There’s SO MUCH power in PRAYER also!?????????
Lucifer lost 2000 years ago walter
Not entirely so. If you read Revelations Satan will be released for a thousand years to wreak more havoc and then finally he will be put away for good that’s when Jesus will completely rule everything and God himself will bring Israel to Earth the real is real. Read Revelations it’s are Satan ain’t done yet buddy he knows he is lost but he doesn’t want to quit.
Satan attacks the weak-minded people!
When Jesus, after 1000 years, has prepared the earth enough for GOD, the Father to bring the NEW JERUSALEM, ‘down’ GOD will then rule everything throughout the Universes, Satan will be released for a ‘short’ time’ (we don’t know how long) but is then thrown into the firey furnace forever, presumably with sinners that will not be saved….GOD have mercy on their soul, body and Spirit. The ‘GRACE’ HE gave us ALL they would not give back to him in ‘BELIEF, GLORY’, WORSHIP, AND THANKFULNESS.
How cowardly they are, no guts for anything, even sex trafficing. They are disgusting and nothing but cowards and selfish jerks. I really like Melissa and now I would not go see a movie she is in, do they realize how many people feel this way.
The abortion bit is a smokescreen because we know they can’t be stopping any sex trafficking.. how will they survive?
Hollywood has sunk to New lows
Guess these 2 just lost their place if they had any to start with.
All I can say is ” You ain’t seen nothing yet!” These leftist A-holes think they can bully anyone to change their views.
It’s time to fight back and start bullying them. If they shout, you need to YELL!!! HELL NO!!! Someone needs to out them by exposing all their personal info ,like the Lincoln Project does, when it wants to intimidate people into surrendering..
very well said
Supporting such organizations might restrict the supply of sex trafficked children. Can’t have that, now can we?
This is very sad
Hooky wood has always been sleazy
They will stupe to level to make money
They have sold there souls for a buck
They support the liberal agenda
Which is selling this country into the hands of the enemy j
Just ask Netflix!!
Never, ever apologize for doing the right thing. Apparently Hollywood is For Abortion and For Sex Trafficking.
Well, we the people who are against this can and will do something about this. We can boycott movies by all the people who are for violating children. Maybe they eally need to be exposed for what they are. Pedophiles!
Hey there Judy, if one looks close enough, pedophilia is their up and coming cause. Why just last month, the Dictator of CA lessened penalties for sex offenses against kids. Quite appaling really. I just had to ask WTF? Net Flix’s “Cuties”. They defended it and kept it airing. Joe Biden, there’s another one yeah?! And he’s stepping up to Commander in Chief. Bill Clinton, 26?trips on the Lolita Express.. I’m presuming with the consent of his wife.
Just last week, I’m half asleep with the radio on an I hear this baby raper commenting …” sex with kids is a natural thing.. shouldn’t be frowned upon”……..REALLY?!!!!! Cross dressers being brought into kindergarten classes and speaking freely to kids about how it’s “ok” if your a boy and want to be a girl.
I’d ask this, where does it end? At this time, I’m not so sure it does. Anyway, keep your radar up and see if you don’t pick up on this crap too. Sheesh!!
Even more sad than Melissa’s apology is the influence these celebrities and sports related big names have on the masses. The masses idolize their stars and heroes and follow their madness blindly.
GROW UP, you are not in Middle School and High School anymore.
Don’t give bullies the power.
These Hollywood folks are our fault. They are millionaires because we pay to see them. Stop paying to see than and they will go away.
Dan, Chelsea Handler wants to date Andrew Cuomo. Ha ha ha, those two would be a PERFECT UNION!! Lol
What’s next? Do we apologize for going the posted speedlimit so others don’t get hit. Do what is right and take the narrow road.
This just shows that HOLLYWOOD actors are just so sick!
So I guess it’s OK for our children to be used for SEX TRAFFICKING! THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!
They all think they know everything and like to tell people to lesson to them! I don’t think any of these people have a brain in their heads! Because they have money ? they know everything! I stopped a long time ago watching any actor I don’t agree with! I have saved a lot of money not giving to these FOOLS!
Yah! But, not their kids!!
WOW what a fool she is. I have zero respect for these Hollywood people.
Hollywood, you’re a disgrace to this country! Forcing people to take a knee and apologize to your will! And you McCarthy, how dare you give in to their bullying! Time America boycotts Hollywood!
Hollywood doesn’t want any pushback against its immoral sexual activity.
My short list of celebrities that I actually like and respect just got shorter. There aren’t a lot left! I have all but stopped supporting movies and music. Money is all that matters to them, so hit them where it hurts.
Me too I liked her
Very sad to see her back down. Killing babies and sex is obviously what rules the Hollywood trash.
These people all live in darkness, they need to get the LORD in their lives then maybe their eyes will be opened. I would not want to be them when judgement day comes. The problem is that their money is more important than their own soul.
We need to start a movement to boycott Hollywood and all the rest of the entertainment community. Don’t go to their movies, don’t buy their music, and especially don’t buy any products they advertise. And let companies know why you won’t buy from them.
Supporting these America hating, Godless, immoral thugs by watching and partaking of their trash is the same as condoning it. I know there are a few who are not as suggested but too many are.
So disgusting and shameful.
Why the hell would you apologize for something you believed in. THATS WRONG!! You’re why we as Americans are in the position we’re in as a country. SHAME ON YOU. STAND UP FOR YOUR SELF AND YOUR BELIEVES.. DISGUSTING MELISSA.
I cannot believe she pulled an oblamma!
I said it once I’ll say it again if Trump wants me to go to one of these states and act as an official counting the ballots I’ll do it. I don’t have a family. I don’t have a problem with that I don’t have kids that they can threaten I don’t have a wife that they can threaten I don’t have a boyfriend that they can threaten I have got. I’d like to see them threaten God. I won’t take their bull crap. I’m sick and tired of this unprofessional crap that these baby asses are pulling.
not one of these Democrats not one of the antiphon. One of these blm’s not one of these idiots Zorro’s all of them not one of them believe in God if they did they would not be doing what they are doing. They are Godless, sinning, Heathen.
Surely, they WILL be separated and cast into the lake of fire as CHAFFE is to WHEAT!!
People,just stop supporting these sub-humans and they will go away. Money stops coming and they’ll evaporate. God bless the USA and all it’s real patriots and especially the wonderful veterans who got us here.
BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD AND I MEAN ALL OF IT. These people are sick and to bow down, makes you even less of a human (you don’t own your own thoughts).
I cannot believe she pulled an oblamma!
I said it once I’ll say it again if Trump wants me to go to one of these states and act as an official counting the ballots I’ll do it. I don’t have a family. I don’t have a problem with that I don’t have kids that they can threaten I don’t have a wife that they can threaten I don’t have a boyfriend that they can threaten I have God. I’d like to see them threaten God. I won’t take their bull crap. I’m sick and tired of this unprofessional crap that these baby asses are pulling.
not one of these Democrats not one of the antifa, blm, not one of these idiots Zorro’s all of them not one of them believe in God if they did they would not be doing what they are doing. They are Godless, sinning, Heathen.
Surely, they WILL be separated and cast into the lake of fire as CHAFFE is to WHEAT!!
There isn’t any amount of depravity, perversion, or vice that hollyweird wouldn’t accommodate and fight for. They are communists and not nice people.
My second major disappointment among those we made rich and famous; Melissa McCarthy. Drew Brees was the first with his apology.
Yeah Gale. The Drew Brees thing killed me
Well, if Biden ends up in the White House (God forbid), his four to six week lockdown will destroy businesses – movie theaters included. So why would Hollywood make movies)? Would that be considered poetic justice?
There”s always Suckerburger and his friends.
Melissa my Bible says ” be ashamed of me before man my father will tell you depart from me I never knew you ” can’t believe agreed to give into them. I will pray for you.
I am amazed at the Hollywood idiots or as they call stars. The real stars were in the 1900’s. All of these now are wannabes. They are all terrible actors and actresses. Too much meth and coke have eat their pea size brains up. Haven’t been to a movie in over 20 years and wouldn’t pay 10 cents to see one now. They are disgusting, couldn’t act their way out of a wet paper bag. Melissa needs to give it up. She is a big joke.
These people are AMORAL. Stop watching their movies,tv,concerts,etc. Never seen such sickos in my life
I gave up on Tinsel Town years ago in view of the human detritus that now lives there!
It was their RIGHT to donate to whoever they wanted to without question! So was their right to apologize & choose to face it on Judgement day! In which they will pay a lot more of a price than the bullying from the Baby Killers..
Their is special place in ( add own word ) for people like her besides she is a has been
No one in the media forces anyone to apologize for something. My first comment would be GTH. I’ll do as I please.
she’s a low life and so is hbo for lowering themselves to that level. They’ll be sorry for their mistake
Hollywood u r not God and do not have the right to tell anyone that they cannot donate to who they want. If u keep this attitude u will lose your self respect and people will stop watching your movies and u then will still be without a paycheck. Hollywood is not going to care anymore because it is all about the money which is the root of all evil. So u need to do what God gave u which is in your heart not dictated by overrated Hollywood.
So that means HBO MAX and Melissa McCarthy believe in human trafficking and murder of innocent little babies. Disgusting.
Power, Greed and Sex. Evil people who live evil lives, know that how you choose to live your life will be judged by a higher power in the end.
McCarthy and HBO MAX; I was going to applaud you for having an opinion of your own but after your withdrawing your support and proving yourselves to being Hollywood lemmings I must withdraw my praise.
Hollywood is nothing but pedophiles that recruit sex slaves, and she is not following their agenda so she is snubbed.
Seriously we’ve resigned ourselves to only watch 1939-1970 Hollywood films. That leaves most of these young radical puppies not born yet or in diapers. We also gave up on pro football (lack of patriotism) and basketball (the lack of keeping politics out of the game, Pop)
when people cant aford to go to these stupid movies and pay to support these commie actors! let them rot .
Hollywood is mostly made up of corupt Democrats that give they money to leftist Democratic endevers that have nothing to do with the ordinary people. They give money to save abortions of full term babies, to turn this country Socialist or Communist, to teach trash about our history to our children, to take our beliefs in our Salvation and our Lord Jesus away and be as they are which is a pile of dung! Just to throw their money away and not to do good with it is a sin! Our Indian Reservations, Indian children schools and Indian citizens who live in povity, the of Appalacia. You all just toss your money away and have not done anything that you’ll be able to take to the Throne of God and say I have been a good user of my money. Spending millions of dollars on: clothes, fast cars, jets, mansions and then you all sceem to get your kids into collages on reduced rates or because you want them to go to the best schools! Shame on all of you! Then when you and the sport jocks retire you boo hoo because you are broke! Too Bad!! I can’t feel sorry for stupid people that want all their trapings over and above doing good for others, both people and animals!
She was stepping on the toes of the lefties in hollyweird who profit form sex trafficking. Can’t have that.
Don’t get too upset with these minions of Satan. They are getting all their rewards here on earth but when the final curtain falls (Judgment Day) it’s all over for those who rejected God all their lives. There are no curtain calls, no celebrity awards, no glamor and worst of all No relationship with their Creator ever more. Anyone that cow toes to them is just as guilty as they are.
Unfortunately she has sunk even lower than Jane Fonda. I didn’t think that was possible.