If the policies in Democrat-run cities that eliminated bail for violent offenders or the refusal to prosecute Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs made you angry, that’s small potatoes to what Joe Biden’s handlers are doing now. His string-pullers recently had the Democrat who occupies the Oval Office sign off on yet another initiative that will flood the country with illegal immigrants.
This time, it’s not just a matter of the White House refusing to prosecute and deport foreigners. The Next News Network digs deep into the numbers and exposes the fact working people will now be forced to pay for illegal immigrants’ lawyers.
On this shocking segment of Slightly Offensive, fact-based reports indicate that Biden’s handlers slipped a funding mechanism into a budget that gives illegals upwards of $15 million for immigration lawyers. These will not be the public defenders low-income Americans access when they cannot afford designer-suit attorneys. Those high-priced legal eagles will be working for migrants born in Central America, Africa, and the Middle East, not the USA.
Adding insult to injury, the Biden Administration wants to add another $23 million for so-called “legal orientation.”
If you rank among the millions of Americans who think this is an outrageous abuse of public trust and taxpayer money, you haven’t heard the half of it. It appears the upwards of $38 million Biden wants to fork over to lawyers, so illegals can steal your job, is but the tip of the spear. Watch this Slightly Offensive video and find out just how much of your money Democrats could wind up spending.
Right on, good question. Make good sense to me.
How about we the people stop paying taxes until we approve of where they are used and how they are spent I for one am tired of carrying everyone else in this country and supporting other countries with my tax dollars I don’t want to pay for illegals lawyers I don’t want to pay for abortions I sure as shit hate paying the idiot politicians wages stop spending my money on stupid wasteful useless SHIT I’m not against using it to help veterans or homeless Americans which probably wouldn’t happen if we didn’t send billions overseas 1 fact California has a 1.19$ gas tax in 2020 a Covid lockdown year Cali used 43 million gallons of gas a day A DAY that’s over 51 million a DAY in taxes where’s the money can anyone answer that where’s the money that’s a lot for new roads bridges tunnels whatever that’s what a gas tax was for roads bridges and highways
I’m with u…I am sick n tired of working hard n a good portion of my salary going to taxes n that money paying for all sort of benefits to illegals who should be punished for breaking our laws…wake up America this is happening because the corrupt Dems want the votes n could care less about the hard working American people…I agree with not paying our taxes until the money is spent on making our country better, education for our children, healthcare, etc !!!!!
Amen, I totally agree! The government should not be touching social security funds at all, that is our saved money. They should give up their salaries for all their illegal c4ap.
This is absolutely sickening. Money should never be made available for things like this at the expense of the American people. We need to get rid of this guy and his VP. The sooner, the better.
BUCK FIDEN!!!!! On the lighter side, congratulations to Tamryn Mensa-Stock for winning the gold medal in WOMENS wrestling, and showing her love and pride for the USA!! If there were more athletes like her, my family might watch and/or give a damn about these Tokyo olympics!!!
Correction…..TAMYRA Mensah-Stock!! We are proud of you!!!
How is this going to keep Americans safe? They should be doing medical checks for COVID and other communicable diseases which are prevalent in these countries the illegals are coming in from. They are not citizens of this country legally and should not have these rights provided to them. Just another finger in our faces as Americans which is part of the liberals plan.
This is definitely grounds to impeach the entire Biden administration on charges of endangering the health and welfare of EVERY American citizen!! Worse case option is to quit paying taxes until this country’s “leaders” start taking care of Americans first! Also,suspend any and all payments to aforementioned persons until it is done. If this country has to suffer and sacrifice,so should they!!???
I agree with you
I agree… IMPEACH him. He needs to get out of office immediately
I agree that Biden should be impeached.
Do you think Nancy Pelosi is going to allow impeachment proceedings? After all, impeachment proceedings start out in the House of Representatives.
It’s one thing to vent your spleen here, it’s another to send an email directly to the Whitehouse and this illegitimate acting president.
It’s easy to do, but, to do it.
No we the people should have to give permission for that an we can’t get that for our sleds no way send them back were they come from or take it out of the president pay or vice president too
Gwad truly hate this man and his “handlers” that are pulling the puppet strings. They are communists and traitors and deserve to be hung or shot! They are bringing down this country and all the hardworking people that keep it going. Damn them!
Who giving Biden the pen? He not doing anything for AMERICAN PEOPLE! All he doing is AIDING THE ENEMY OF AMERICA! That CALL FOR REMOVED FROM OFFICE! So which dam congress going to STAND UP TO HIM? Before someone get mad enough to pull the trigger on him!
All communist democrat cult party members violate our laws and hold Americans in contempt. remove these communist democrat cult members and send them to china by way of shipping crates!
Impeach Pino and VPino and Pelosi and put our “RIGHTFUL” PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP BACK IN CHARGE!
We all better WAKE UP & realize what the DEMO–C–RAT PARTY has already done to RUIN this U.S.A. & intends to complete their SADISTIC WEST COAST & NORTHEAST COAST PLANS !!! These “”LIAR SUPREMACISTS”” have ruined many CONSERVATIVES lives & plan to HURT as many more as possible !!! It’s time for REAL AMERICANS to stand & FIGHT against these RADICAL SOCIALISTS before they SELL OUR USA right out from under us to foreign powers !!! Best way I know ,FLOOD the GOVT. with text, calls,& letters & VOTE 2022 & 2024 IT’S TIME TO GET OUR USA back to “GREAT AGAIN” !!!
Well, our wonderful GOP is too afraid to call the old pedophile out, so he does whatever he wants. And he knows full well that our generation of patriots are a joke. What would our previous generations do, if the USA was holding over 400 people in solitary confinement 23 hours a day, and beating them so bad, an eyeball popped out? Or, how long would the left have gotten away with the oh so blatantly obvious Fraudulent election? Would they have fought to imprison the traitors, and hang them? Or would they sit home, awaiting the death jab, or the concentration camps they are building for us? You decide.
Big problem……..These people ( The Dem C Rats ) are in the drivers seat, and its going to take an Army
to get them out. (unfortunately) maybe we should hang the people who voted for these assholes and the ones who help cheating Trump out of office.
One American Veteran
Yesterday Biden, responding to DeSantos re the shipping of all these illegal aliens…most ill wth Covid Delta variant. He said what’s the problem, “Only unaccompanied minors are being allowed into the country!”. He did not seem to be kidding, so it is obvious how out of touch he is. Kamala not brief him after her “visit” to border? Jilly and handlers only feeding him misinformation? He never watches TV? All the state officials requests to talk to by phone or in person, all not responded to…what did he think they wanted? Or was that kept from him?
When are we going to wake up and get rid of this fraud POS
and put someone in office who will honor our country and put AMERICAN CITIZENS first.
But most of all honor, defend and obey our CONSTITUTION. A person who is strong enough
to defend this country against ALL enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC.
Puppet Joe Obama and the laughing hyena-cackler should be in prison and impeached for their derelict mindless ideas on the border crisis and allowing anyone who wants to come to the U.S. as acceptable. The entire jack asses are unfit to be running our country.
Where are the retired military? They know how to handle these idiots in the White House. Just tell us patriots what to do to help remove these idiots that are destroying our country. Biden will probably shut down the country while flooding this country with Covid -19 illegals just so the dems will have dem voters. Biden should be impeached for not defending this nation