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Biden’s DOJ Drops Charges Against Democrat Mega Donor Sam Bankman-Fried

Disgraced FTX founder and Democrat super donor Sam Bankman-Fried is serving as a terrifying reminder of exactly how untouchable the Democrats and their allies are in Biden’s America.

SBF – who defrauded users of his crypto exchange and used the cash to pour $90 million into Democrat campaigns – has just had charges against him dropped!

The DOJ said it did not intend to proceed with a campaign finance charge against the second biggest Democrat donor.

Biden’s DOJ is so disgustingly corrupt that they’re now blatantly protecting friends of the Democratic party.


Offering an explanation which is an affront to the American people’s intelligence, the DOJ claimed that they were dropping the charges because the Bahamas (where SBF lived) was forcing them to…

“The Government has been informed that The Bahamas notified the United States earlier today that The Bahamas did not intend to extradite the defendant on the campaign contributions count,” the DOJ letter said.

The 31-year-old, who was seen as a crypto whiz before his ponzi-scheme collapsed last year, has been free on $250 million bond since his December extradition from the Bahamas.

It’s not even a secret anymore. Being allied with Democrat leaders grants you the ability to do WHATEVER you want, and SBF is more proof of that.

Watch the video here to learn more about this criminal and how he has helped the Democrats stay in power!

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10 thoughts on “Biden’s DOJ Drops Charges Against Democrat Mega Donor Sam Bankman-Fried”

  1. D (istrict) Of Jerkoffs dropping charges on a mega Demonrat donor, Not surprising. The corruption has reached a new high once again. The gargler in charge & the Fumbling Bumbling Idiots, Make the Cartels look like choir boys.
    The entire world is Laughing at this clown show.

  2. Stop the whining you alleged True Patriots if you think the Legislative and Judicial tyrants can be relied on not to allow misery to continue being inflicted upon us then you are as much out of touch with reality as Liberals, although it may be way too late it is time to wage an all out war against the Globalists and their loyal marionette cabal.

    1. Absolutely and Unconditionally! And I’m talking real bullets too! It’s time for a mass assassination for all Demon Rats!

  3. Bahama should be hit with boycott until Bankman is extradited for donations of dirty money to Dem party political campaigns. Bankman should be tried and convicted of all pertinent charges.
    The Dem party recipients of the public’s innocent investments to Bankman’s corrupt investment scheme should be forced to return original amount to investors.

  4. Add this to Biden’s and the Biden Administration’s continuing criminal activity and corruption. Politicization of our DOJ is making the USA into a Third World country. What else would you expect from the democrats.

  5. The DOJ is lying through their teeth. If bankman was a huge republican donor Garland himself would go to the Bahamas and extradite him back to the U.S. The corruption of this administration is just like Hitler’s SS and Gestapo along with a lying complicit media. It’s a shame the U.S. has become the laughing stock and the most untrusted nation in the world.

  6. Willie, I agree with you. I also love history. I have read everything I can find on WW1, WW11 and how Hitler scammed the German people and government. He was a nobody but became a community organizer just like Obama. Soros was one of Hitler’s Brown Uniform kids. Obama started a kids program in Chicago, Brown Uniform kids. How far back has Soros been supporting Obama? Now Soros son is friends with Hunter and has been to WH and donated to Democrats. Soros donations to DA’s in CA. They are releasing criminals and drug dealers. Open borders is causing more crime and murders. Not safe to go get gas or shop. Restuarant are experiencing m ou re shooting. Malls and convenience stores, 7 Circle K robberies in one night in same town. ATM machines are being hacked using scanners to take people’s debt card information. We need more Law Enforcement and keep crooks in jail. Newsom has closed 7 prisons in California. Looks like he will convert them into a place for caravan people to have a place to stay. Home not jail. Prayers

  7. There is little else to do but drop to our knees and pray to God that He will deliver us from
    this insanity. The chorus of crimes perpetrated by the Biden administration has become
    legion. In the history of the world, no freely democratically elected president has so flaunted
    the law as openly as the traitor Biden. It breaks my old heart to see my country so abused in
    the way she is now.

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