Well, here’s a video of a nice lady who definitely won’t be voting for Joe Biden in November! An Oregon homeowner catches a guy with matches on her property and holds him at gunpoint until the police arrive.
Remember what the garbage media and the “I’m With Her” squad at the FBI are telling us: There is no evidence than any extremist groups are setting the fires that are burning across… the same locations in western states that have been having trouble with those extremist groups all summer long. “No evidence!”
One thing that’s striking about this video is that thugs can tell the difference between a person who knows how to operate a firearm and an untrained person who just happens to own a gun. Remember how the BLM protesters kept hassling the McCloskey family in St. Louis, despite the fact that they both had guns in their hands? God bless the McCloskey husband and wife for being gun owners, but the mob could tell that they clearly didn’t know how to use the guns they were holding.
That’s… not an issue for this nice lady in Oregon. She very clearly knows how to use the gun she pulls on this guy — and he doesn’t dare disobey her! The thug is much bigger than her, but he knew Trouble with a capital ‘T’ when he saw it.
The lesson? Owning guns is fantastic, but training is even better. Watch as a homeowner with some obvious training makes an anarchist immediately comply with her every demand, and remain very still as he’s on the hot pavement. No sudden moves from him, because he knows she’s not messing around.