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Liberals Putting Trump Supporters on “List” to Punish Them

Don’t misunderstand. The Democrats have a solid plan. They’re pretty sure they got Biden into the White House. They’re pushing a narrative that he’s a friendly old guy. He’s the return to civility and decency. He’s the reminder that America is a happy place with happy people.

It’s just as much a lie as the Trump-Russia conspiracy nonsense. Joe Biden is not a moderate. He is not a unifier. This is a man who repeatedly called black people animals and super predators and lamented the idea that his children would interact with black children.

We aren’t returning to normalcy and decency now that Biden’s in office. We’re taking a nosedive into tyranny. The Democrats know this. The narrative is a distraction, but we won’t fall for it.


Even while the left celebrates their win and calls for unity, Democratic legislators are talking about making political hit lists. They want to document everyone who openly supported President Trump. They have already expressed that they want to use these lists to stop Trump supporters from getting future jobs and to publicly ridicule them.

Perhaps they can use these lists to stop us from being able to travel, buy a home, obtain a loan, like the government does to dissenters in China.

There will be no decency or civility in this administration. For the last four years, we saw a witch hunt. Once President Trump is removed as the ultimate obstacle, the witch hunt can really get going. Trump was never the goal. It was always about removing all people who vote against Democrats and Liberals. They want to remove you so they can keep their power and implement their ghoulish plans.

Just let Glenn Beck explain it in this video. Things are just getting started.

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47 thoughts on “Liberals Putting Trump Supporters on “List” to Punish Them”

  1. The beginning of new democratic/nazi era and back to 1939 wher a list of jews, negros and gipsy and foreigners people was done.
    Democrats are going back in times when they opposed the liberty of slaves and now they want to slave those opposing their views.

    1. Does anyone remember Biden passed a deal to put black men n jail & throw away the key,under Obama ? They bullied regular American’s. Remember how joe the plumber asked a question obama didn’t like & obama went after his job,& anything he could dig up on him. Obama & Biden enacted the DACA program, that separated children from their parents not President Trump. Obama won the Nobel peace prize and lied about giving the money away, then he developed the drone to fly across the world and drop bombs on innocent civilians killing so many. Regular Americans did not get appointments with Obama to talk about their crisis. Mr. Trump was open to helping all Americans not just a few elitist. America did not elect A bumbling idiot that can’t even get through a sentence without appearing feeble and confused. We did not choose this joke of a human to run our great nation. Stand up America!!!!!

    2. The most dangerous freedom is freedom itself. The Constitution is the most perfect government document ever written by men inspired by the almighty, holy GOD, and has been the banner to which all people worldwide struggled, and many died, to come to America, but over time those that came illegally used rogue lawyers to defend them under the laws passed for legal American Citizens, therefore diluting the power of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and Federalist Papers. Those documents were written for a New Nation, a new people, a new beginning based on Freedom which is now being used and abused for a throng of non-citizens demanding all “freedoms” and breaking the laws to be covered by those same laws.

      1. Well written Shell…..I’m not racially motivated by and large……… but voting American hating Muslims into our government is ludicrous. (Please don’t get me wrong people….it’s American Hating people I’m surely talking about here)
        Ilan Omar HATES America, yet runs for congress and wins her seat handily. If this country makes this wretched human being so seething pissed off…….. go back to Somalia bitch!! No reason for you to be in my country instigating the mayhem and chaos you do. Leave and never come back please! She was paying $200.00 per ballot, no wonder she won her seat going away. You wouldn’t have to pay me $200.00 for a Trump vote …… I’ll give it to him.
        You are correct that the constitution was the most perfect set of rules ever implemented for a nation…….. I would say to anyone who doesn’t love the liberties and freedom that go hand in hand with that document, Leave my country now

        1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cuntez,
          You woman, are truly the lowest form of scum to ever hold a seat in Congress. You walk into the halls of Congress with your mousy little voice, and your shit for brains, and an attitude that people who actually earn their keep in this beautiful nation are beneath YOU!!!!
          I don’t have the words to express just what a loathsome piece of shit you are. Put me at the top of your list you misled misfit of a human being. The fact that you’d even let these words out of your mouth you twisted little shitbird…… who says this kind of thing about real, decent, well mannered and well educated Americans?!!
          The fact you’d spew this shit out for the world to hear shows me just how much gray matter damage you must have in that bird brain of yours.
          I read somewhere lately that you were so pissed about the way things were going on here in the world, that you considered you might just step down from politics. That’ll be the best day in America. Step down you reprobate, you don’t belong in the halls of Congress, and your new green deal …… are you freakin kidding me?! What even scares me more there little missy… you’ve actually got a few democrats to go along with this farce. Step down… most of America hates your guts you (fill in the blank!)


    4. Right on. The Republicans and conservatives need to organize to go after AOC and her like, and those involved in this enormous voter fraud. Also, we need to organize militias to go after the rioters that are destroying our cities and our American way of life to restore peace in this country where we can live together in peace.

  2. This country is really under attack, The Righteous leaders in this Nation have to stay United and find out who are the people threatening to make a list
    To hurt , kill or destroy American Citizens. Makes no sense the Military in this country be in other countries protecting other places and The American citizens being threatened in our homeland. There should be a serious investigation.
    It would not be surprising to find that this idea of such a list, originated from the influence of an outsider. I do not believe real American would want to hurt other Americans.Anyone that comes to the USA and calls themselves American, or works in a position of authority should not be thinking of hurting any American. It goes to show,
    how kind and trusting this Nation has been to all
    Of mankind, and now this influence of foreign idiologies are being allowed to destroy Americans
    and this Great Country! It is time for Americans to
    Revisit Ancient Biblical History and learn that, the Almighty,time, and time again, made promises to His people that if we repent for our sins and pray,
    He will forgive our sins and heal our land, and made it very clear, He would not destroy a Nation,
    that He would spare it even if There was only one Just person in the land. So America, Pray, Pray Pray!
    Glory to The Almighty forHis Mercy! If we do, there will be hope for all of us on both sides Democrats
    And Republicans because we are one Nation under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
    Glory to God! ? Heavenly Father Please save America!

    1. Biden, aoc, and all other commies are going to get what the want a civil war. i can see it now the liberal scum getting a place in ;GIZMO>

    2. MV you said it right. Just realize that when God handed out brains, AOC stood behind the door. She is completely void of her thinking cap and with her all the voters that voted for her.

  3. So now … let me get this straight … they want to ” punish ” Americans who support and voted for Donald J Trump ? May I assume just for a second that those individuals did so of their OWN FREE WILL ?? How ’bout you do a follow up article on EXACTLY how they devised such a STRATEGY, huh ?

  4. What does AOC think she is doing? Making threatened aganist the people who disagree with her and the leftist DEMOCRAT PARTY? Well to a normal person that call to arms themselves! But does AOC think she knows who these people are? This is an attack against FREEDOM AND LIBERTY OF AMERICA! SO this foreigners come here and trying to DESTORY AMERICA AND TURN IT INTO A MUSLIM COUNTRIES! I guess you fool who are Homosexual better take notes! Because MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD HATE HOMOSEXUAL PEOPLE! Even you TRANSGENDER ONES! IT won’t look good for you if she was to be HOUSE SPEAKER!! Due to her HATE FOR AMERICA! Where else could you escape to if this happens?? You bring thing on yourself when you go jumping to conclusions about Trump! You might not like his attitude but you can believe he STANDING UP FOR AMERICANS!

  5. AOC, You are on MY list for a gulag, referably in Arctic Russia. Go back to mixing drinks—you are more qualified for that job than Congress. And are your squad with you!

    1. You forgot…..NO ESCAPE! She’s a commie, self interested, who does NOTHING for her electorate, and takes/STEALS all she can. Returned to office via PAID VOTE from IDIOTIC VOTERS!

      That SHOULD BE A CRIME….punishable by conviction and prison time….ALONG WITH BANNED FROM CONGRESS AND ITS RETIRMENT FUNDS!

      1. I’d LOVE to see this bitch live one day in her “green deal world”…..

        Oh yeah, I forgot, she’ll be in a lavish million dollar home by then while the little folk , the morons, the Trump supporters she hates so much are looking for a teaching job, a job at McDonalds, hell, any job!! We don’t deserve to be alive.
        Shaking my head… this one is D U M B!! Lol

  6. If war is what they want, war is what they will get. Remember yesterday was veteran day. All those men and women put their lives on the line for democracy and they want to take that away from the American people. That is not happening. Sleepy Joe you best pull your head out. Your not qualified to be President or hold any other political office.

  7. She is immature is the understatement.
    Maybe she does not realize it – but this is United States of America and we do not punish people who think differently than we do – this is not China or Russia – Get a life and realize what country you are in.

  8. All I can really say is, let that conniving little cunt and her buddies come try to punish me for voting in a free country.
    It has been reported that voter roles have been taken from voting stations and given to blm and antifa leaders so that they can burn peoples homes and businesses.
    It is high time that some, if not all, of these monsters are held to account for these crimes and made example of.
    If the government wont do it legally, they will leave us little to no choice as to what happens next

  9. Really AOC. You are indeed a dimwit. Now tell me where and on which list will we put you and your squad. You with that remark are the one that advertise violence in the highest grade. You best keep that tainted mouth shut before this whole country put a Dunse cap on you.

  10. Whats next with her re-education camps like in China, Torture , hangings, false arrests by the deep state, no speech. Thats sound like a plan that needs to be taken down by any means possible.

  11. Anyone who voted for Sleepy Joe should be ashamed of themselves. They are ignorant! I believe they weren’t voting for him but voting against our president and I truly don’t understand it. When gas goes up to $3 or $4/gallon I don’t want to hear any of them bitch. When we are on lockdown again, I don’t want to hear any of them bitch. When the economy falls and they lose their job, I don’t want to hear any of them bitch. They will reap what they sow.

  12. Biden will be gone. . .soon. . .Harris will be POTUS via the Articles of Amendment 25 at the hands of Pelosi and her Communist cadre.

  13. We all know “how” the 4 henchmen of the apocalypse were voted into the House of Representatives. THINK HILLARY!! But “HOW” isn’t nearly as important as “WHY”. Those 4 little girls are just puppets who flex their muscles and throw temper tantrums on cue. They all want to be in charge AND THEY ALL FIGHT WITH ONE ANOTHER! What did you expect when you put children in adult jobs. Hillary can’t babysit them 24/7.

  14. Hahaha! I’m a Trump Supporter! Put me on your List! I’m proud to be on it and I’ll meet you at the door to your office and show you how proud I am. Come on and face me !

    1. Trump provided American’s with a stimulus package, & now,when most need the help desperately, no one has even mentioned helping the people of America. What about that aoc

    2. Trump provided American’s with a stimulus package, & now,when most need the help desperately, no one has even mentioned helping the people of America. What about that aoc

  15. The fact that Cupid Stunt Alexandria “Ché” Ocasio-Cortez is putting Trump supporters on a Totalitarian Retribution List, isn’t surprising as she’s a Anti-American Communist Puta. That no one from the DNC’s condemning her statement and actions is outrageous.

  16. I am a independent voter by right, I don’t vote for a party , I vote for a person. I served this Great nation of ours for 24 years I believe there is good and bad everywhere. I have traveled the world. see alot od differnt styles of governments. I will be honest that this last Election I voted for all republicans’ because of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC and the fellow lemming that could not stand up for theirselves and jumped of the cliff with them.. Now we have AOC and her little groupies that believes that our Great nation Should be a Unitary one Party Socialist Republic. It is time that the true Democrats, Media and Broadcasting networks Got some backbone and shut her down shut her down This is the only reason she is were her little groupie and her are noticed I didn’t service this Great country of our to little a loud mouth immuture bartender tell us to be as closed minded as her. I would love for her to go to any Middle East nation or Far East nation and talk her trash. They woud not deal with it AND NEITHER SHOULD WE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I voted for Trump. I’d vote for him again. I’ll never vote for a dirty, stinking, filthy democrat (communist). So trace my info and come get me bitch!

  18. I think AOC and the rest of her little gang of skanks should be on a list and forced to
    pay for their lies, fraud, and thievery. All because a bunch of illiterates voted them
    into office does not make them all-powerful. I feel sorry for those people who actually
    vote for these morons. They must be so proud of themselves for putting a bunch of Socialist
    corrupt losers into office.

  19. Looks like the Democrats have a death wish. When you threaten people’s safety by putting them on a list because you do not like how they voted then don’t be surprise if those people take measures to defend themselves even if it means using deadly force!!!

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