Let’s talk about the coronavirus. If you listen to the mainstream media, you might be convinced that opening early is killing the masses in Texas, Arizona and Florida. The idiot governors in those states didn’t listen to the experts, and now they’re all going to die because of this devastating virus. You’ve dealt with the mainstream media before. You know how this goes.
When you look at the full picture, things aren’t so dire. First, a big part of the “spike” in cases is because of testing. We’re completing five times as many tests every day as we did in mid-April when the pandemic actually hit its peak.
It’s also worth noting that this recent uptick in cases started exactly 14 days after the beginning of mass protests. Despite that, the mainstream media will try to tell you that the protests didn’t cause the spread. They really think you’re that stupid.
Most importantly, all of these stories are being extremely selective. That’s because the actual epicenter of the pandemic in our country is currently in California, and California never really reopened. There is no consistency in any of this. The media has just been lying all along.
If you want the real truth, you’ll get some of it in this video. Ben Shapiro mentions a lot of important statistics. While you’re listening, pay close attention to which states haven’t seen a mass increase in cases since the protests. It suggests that once the infection rages through a region, it doesn’t come back, and that’s a bit of good news being masked by the media disinformation blitz.