Have you seen this latest trend in hate crimes? Members of minority communities receive anonymous threats. They can come in the form of graffiti, notes, online messages and other creative media, but the connotation is always the same. Some evil stranger is spewing hate at people over the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or their gender identity.
That might not seem too strange. Evil people have always been in this world. What’s truly remarkable about this latest trend is the culprits. In a Scooby Doo-esque twist, the new trend is that the victims are actually the perpetrators. These members of minority communities haven’t ever actually faced discrimination. They’ve never been threatened or hated in their lives, so in order to feel like they fit with the leftists narrative, they fabricate the hate themselves. It’s truly bizarre.
It’s particularly insane because there is no shortage of hate in our country. The thing people are missing is the underlying motivation. Hate crimes rooted in racism and the like are dwindling. Instead, that rage is being redirected into politics. Hate crimes over political affiliation are happening every day. The left simply doesn’t care. You can guess why.
Sadly, this trend has not prevented the existence of old-fashioned racism. Occasionally, a tragic hate crime does take place. When that happens, you can trust the mainstream media to lie about it just like those “victims” have been doing. This video will explain just how low the media is willing to go.