The conservative war on science clearly destroyed the Earth. Bush banned stem cell research. Reagan polluted. Now, we have Trump. He has banned scientific inquiry and discussion. He has defunded all research. Worst of all, he’s a climate change denier and has doomed the seas to boiling and all life to ending. There’s no hope.
The problem with the left’s eternal hyperbolic take on all things Trump is that real science rarely lends itself to hyperbolic statements. The ideas that subtle changes to funding policies or an effort to broaden the scope of research will kill science and doom the planet are ridiculous, and they can’t possibly be founded in the scientific method. Years ago, the left took science hostage, and they try to use it as a blunt instrument to attack conservatives.
The real truth is that conservatives have never attacked science at all. Conservatives have reallocated federal research dollars, but they haven’t outright banned an area of research in over a hundred years. Nor have they prevented liberally biased scientific proliferation. They’ve merely attempted to keep discussions balanced and include opposing ideas. The idea that we have to teach either evolution or creation in schools comes from the left.
In reality, harmful, anti-science sentiment has always been a liberal and progressive ideology. This video outlines the most harmful movements from the left and puts their outrageous hypocrisy on full display. Watch and share this video if you want to save science from the shackles of its modern oppressors.