Politicians are used to playing politics. They are often two faced, showing one side while in public, but turning to the other when behind closed doors. It is why so many politicians and heads of state are friendly in person. There should always be a sense of cordialness between the heads of countries, but beyond this, there is no reason to demonstrate elevated respect to someone when they are hindering another country. Nearly every U.S. President in recent memory played nice and would say all the diplomatic things they were supposed to.
However, Donald Trump is not a politician. He is a businessman, and in the world of business there often is very little sugar coating of things. Why? Because when the CEO of a company sugar coats a situation, it can be seen as misleading investors, which in turn leads to a major investigation. So President Trump does not sugar coat it and he tells it like it is. Including trashing members of NATO who are in the same room as him.
Donald Trump just made his first visit to NATO. This allowed him to make the introductions of several heads of state for the first time. While he will shake hands and be diplomatic, he’ll also suggest what another country is doing to hinder the potential of the United States. Many other nations either do the same, or stay quiet in hopes of receiving aid from the United States. Watch the reaction of several other world leaders as they realize President Trump is trashing them. It’s unbelievable!