Christopher Rufo of City Journal reports New York’s Buffalo Public Schools claim “all white people” perpetuate systemic racism. In addition the city’s public schools are forcing 5 and 6 year old kindergarteners to watch a video of dead black children to warn them of racist police. The left is no longer starting in college or even high school—kindergarten is the new indoctrination center.
These are children still learning to tie their shows and discovering how to read. Why is a public school showing kindergarteners any video with dead children in it? How can teachers push this agenda, apparently without parental notification?
This is an age when a child needs safety and protection from violence—including from violent images. Yet according to the leftist agenda in Buffalo Public Schools, it’s more important to scar a young child’s memory with dead black children so they are aware of inequality in the future.
If parents ever needed another reason to get involved in the school system or make a change, this is it. America is about helping kids, not scarring them with the problems we deal with as adults.
This is sick! Democrats have got to be condemned and made to stop this outrageous behavior!
Kids have to deal with life’s every day problems just being a kId without having to deal with seeing dead children that looks like them. That’s traumatic behavior that is to young for their little brains to process. But the bad thing is an adult is forcing this Image on them. That’s cruel. Shame on these sick people that must have mental problems themselves.
These bastards need to be taken out of our nation. Send them to Gitmo for terrorism!!
They never will. Buffalo and NY state are liberal bastions., This will never stop until there is a REPUBLICAN voter revolution. The leader of the NY Senate is a black from Buffalo. See a connection?
What are you all waiting for?????
Its sad but true. This all has to be unless people stop being SHEEP AND BEING HERDED BY THE WRONG SHEPPARD. If you’re afraid of dying look towards the Lord and he will help you with that…keep the peace people…????
Sue that school! Hit the Socialists in the wallet and they’ll retreat.
Democrats believe republicans are doing the same thing . When republicans claim the election was stolen without showing any real proof . It looks like both democrats and republicans will lie cheat and steal any chance they get .
This school board needs to sue by all parents. This is a travesty and pure discrimination. Sue the sore goons.
Go to school with your child one day and stand in the back of the classroom and watch. They can’t stop you since your taxes pay their wages. If enough of us do that this will all go away because these cowards will not confront us because they wont like the publicity. Stop this crap now. We have all the power, we just have to protect our children same as you would from a child molester which this is by another name.
You obviously have not been to a public school anytime in the last couple of decades. Most schools are locked down to a level higher than most military bases. It takes me about twenty minutes to take my kids backpack in when she forgets it in my truck. First I have to get buzzed in thru the front door which allows you into the area between doors where you are locked in and the second set of doors can’t be opened until the doors behind you are shut and locked. That area has full visibility from behind the bullet-proof glass where the lady in the office can see you. i have to get on the speaker and tell them why I am there before I get buzzed into the office. I have had several kids go through this school over the years and by now I am on a first name basis with every member of the staff, but I still need to sign in stating who I am, What time I got there, why I am there, etc. Then I get to give the backpack to the lady at the front desk, who has to search it, I guess to make sure I am not sending a bomb to my kids classroom. Then they have to call down to my kids teacher and confirm that my kid is actually there. Finally after all that they allow me to leave the backpack there in the office with vague assurances that my kid will get it sometime today. I can only imagine how loud the laughter would be if I suggested that I take it down to the classroom. Then I get to sign back out, being careful to note the exact time that I spent there as I am leaving what should have been a two second exchange. Then I get to get trapped in the double door death trap again on my way out. Again all of this just to take a 2nd grade kid something they forgot, just imagine what I would have to go through to actually try to give any input into the curriculum.
They need to be removed
Children should not be shown pictures of anyone who is dead let alone other children. What purpose does it serve at such a young age? What kind of lasting affect will it have on these children and what would a child psychiatrist say? These questions are more important and this should be made aware to everyone via news organizations throughout the United States. If they are showing dead Black Children then they should note that these children have more than likely died from Black on Black crime
Especially in Buffalo which is 37.5% black, according to (demographics).
I’ll bet there is a marxist / communist connection: all part of the plan — destroy society then revolution. Where are the professional educators? What are they teaching in “teachers college”?
You are so correct–this is the communist way– There must be some leftist out there that would object to this debravity but they are silent. I am thinking that the commies must be proud of their sheep. I certainly am not.
This is what you get when your perfectly normal child goes to a University and is brain washed with communist propaganda. They come out good little Hitlars. Check before you send your child to college.
Parents should file law suit for Child Abuse, what kind of effect will this have on them mentally. Sick, Depraved, Any teacher that would do this should be tarred and feathered after being beaten.
You are 100 percent on the money. This is the most sickest shit I ever heard. This is going on in colleges. This country is screwing up these children’s minds. Talk about racism. So if they say all police are bad who can these kids depend on. The democrats or shall I say socialist are not going to get away with all of this. I would pull my kid out of school
They will join “gangs” for protection and security.
The death penalty is too lenient!
These parents should first of all pull your kids out of this school. then haul the school board into court and the teachers and sue them. these people are sick in the head and should not be in the position to teach or run any school. If they want to go down that road also show blacks kids videos of white kids being killed by black adults. blacks kill more then whites. Blacks don’t matter, all lives matter. and if the blacks don’t like it then take your asses and go to africa.
They all should be fired where are the parents? This is sick and demented for the school board to force this on White Children, make the Black Children look at dead White Children as well.
save all the children from these degenerates!
First and foremost is the lie behind the pictures. Black thug gang members kill the majority of blacks including children and NOT THE POLICE. So I suggest the parents tell the children it IS BLACK THUGS and not the police then sue the pants off the school district for mental and emotional abuse of their children.
First of all, they are doing this without parent’s knowledge or permission. Why , Because they can. Remember when they decided a young lady underage could have an abortion without parent’s consent? Now children wanting to transgender can do so too.? Well, they do things slowly first the abortion issue now everything concerning your children . Do you iknow if a doctor wants to do a procedure on your child you disagree with, he or she can threaten you with the children’s service what ever that is called PS, they owned that for years too. that is why people in the US have to go to foreign countries to adopt. If you don’t comply then they will call and your child will most likely be removed from your care as you are now unFIT>
What ever happened to teaching the children to respect authority!! That’s the problem! There wasn’t any racism until the democrats started saying there was. Now it’s out of control. Parents need to sit in on these classes and demand they stop. Sue the hell out of the school board!!
That’s what happens when demon-crap gets control of our government. Our schools go to hell in a hand basket, & everything -including our jobs and economy………
Let’s not be ignorant, what actually is going on here is that the school district IS pushing RACISM to get white children to hate black children its called indoctrination.. this is what DEMOCRATS stand for in the past and still are.. PARENTS NEED to sue the district any teacher that would show something like that should be sued as well.. get your children out of those schools WHO allow such hatred. UNTIL PARENTS RISE UP this ugliness will continue.
The leftist Democrats and leftist RINOs are the ones pushing racism in the U.S. They should be forcibly removed from government and all positions of authority.
the death penalty is too lenient for them ……..
Where do these “pictures” come from?
Who produces these pictures?
Who gives them to schools?
This school should be closed and there teaching staff should be fired and never work with children again.
I agree this school should be closed and the parents should take action against them – as usual the Democrats are sick and a disgrace to our country for doing something like this = they are innocent little children and this should not be forced upon these children at this age.
First off many of these teachers can’t pronounce the word Four correctly, foe is not four. The Dimocrats are as bad as Hitler and his war against the Jews. Get ready for the camps white folks,AOC HAS ALREADY SAID WE NEED TO BE PROGRAMMED. Let’s make the Dims watch movies of all the kids they have murdered in their abortion mills, most are black.
I agree! Purple Heart……
SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Protect your children and take these sick people down!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teachers & administrators can be replaced, union or no union! Parents must unite & stop this now IN GOD WE Must TRUST ! And we must get involved !
I’ll tell you tho with out while people this country in five years will become Africa as it was. Businesses will fade killings will increase heavy drugs, till the money fades. Whites founded it, built it and nonwhites will destroy it.
I would be confronting a teacher/caretaker/principal, with closed fists for showing my child pictures of dead black children . That is child abuse and warrants serious consequences! It would be the last and only time they would abuse my child this way.
The non-Democrat organizations must donate money to help pay for tuition for these children to go to non-public schools. This is the only way to remove the real problem causing the damage to our children – the unions.
Spot on Tom! There is no inentive for the teachers to do anything correct. No checks and balances on how they perform/students turn out.
It’s not the unions; it’s the school administrations. Teachers don’t choose the curriculum; school administrations do, pushed by local school boards. Go after the right bureaucrats with threats of lawsuits.
That’s why I put all my children through a private Christian school. It’s my job to educate my children and not the government’s. This is the end result of state controlled schooling. Wake up, parents, wake up America.
Great, they are traumatizing children. This is child abuse.
This is brainwashing children to be
petrified of police. It will no surprise when police shootings in Buffalo rapidly increase in 10 to 12 years.
This, if accurate, is a form of child abuse. Next the schools will need to hire more psychologists to deal with the backlash of night terrors in this age group! Unfathomable !!!!!!!!
I know a lot of people, of all races and colors, that have never shown any signs of racist behavior, nor have taken any actions that would indicate racism. Instead, they go about their jobs and their lives, working well with peoples of different cultures and colors, with no problems. Perhaps it is time to find a large group of such people, all White, and challenge the Buffalo School System statement that “’all white people’ perpetuate systemic racism.” They should bring a class-action suit against the school system, demanding that the prove that every single one of them is racist. Once the school system loses, which they would, then demand that they either apologize for their racist accusations, or fire their entire school board and replace them with non-racist people.
This is exactly what I’ve been saying & writing comments about for several years,,, I’ll say it again,
Get your kids out of public school, you have many choices that are way better $ your kids will actually learn something. Go to a CHARTER school, go to a PRIVATE school, go to a PAROCHIAL school, HOME school, it’s not a money thing, they have ways to help you financially with any moneys required.
Don’t let the teachers union destroy your kids , unless your a complete idiot or just plane lazy you gotta know the teachers union is causing the problem all across America. & this is coming from a person who spent 40 yrs in the best union in America… & I also went to a parochial school, a technical high school, a community college & a state college.
Throughout these above comments I have read of the disgust and anger we all feel when we hear what evil intent is being forced upon the present generation. These teachers ( useful idiots) are doing the bidding of men and women who hate America and all the values held dear by our founding fathers. This socialist Democratic Party leadership are hell bent literally to force change upon Americans to live in a (“Godless) society . We are seeing the face of pure EVIL at work . They will stop at nothing until they strangle the life of freedom loving people out of existence. When you hear serious comments of reeducation camps for anyone who hold to conservative beliefs then you realize that you are no longer living in The United States of America, but are now in a Marxist nation that will suppress all fundamental freedoms from your lives . We have an election in 2022 to change leadership in the Congress and in the Senate. We need to know as much as possible about the candidates running for office not just their claim to be a particular political party but what their core beliefs really are about. If we can’t turn this ship around then we are done as a freedom loving nation. ??
It is definately a mental illness
for people who know the truth
to support and force lies on others.
First, it bothers me that journalists don’t proofread their work. I believe the word is shoes not shows.
Second, this is not what should be taught in Kindergarten. Parents you better wake up or you are going to get a big surprise one day soon.
The Left has gone too far. Things like this must be stopped and the creators of it severely punished. By that, I mean they should be skinned alive and dipped in salt!!!!!!! This is racism at its’ worst. And it is the Democrat party that keeps racism alive. And why not-they are the ones who gave us our only true racist President-Andrew Jackson. They also created the KKK. And has everyone forgotten George C. Wallace? They act this way because they can’t come to terms with their own past and history!!!
So, all whites are racist. It was whites in the Democrat Party who brought us the Ku Klux Klan. Not all whites are Democrats, only the racist ones. Not all whites are racist, only the Democrat ones. A little truth goes a long way.
You should try some once in a while.
This is bullshit, pull your children out. They’re brainwashing our kids, it is not acceptable. Rebel, this shits going way to far. It needs to stop. What’s it going to take?
So we have heard more than a few Democrats and media persons voice the opinion that kids with Republican parents should be taken from them and put into re-education/propaganda camps, that teachers and schools should question the kids regularly about what goes on in their homes and that the “will of the people needs to be broken” so that they have no option by compliance. The liberals and their media monkeys claimed misinformation and out of context quotes from the Conservatives. Looks like another lie to me and they have not waited to start doing those things behind the backs of parents. This is not about teaching the real truth of our history, it is about teaching selective history. If it were about the truth, it would include the full facts about America starting with the Pilgrims. It would describe the decades of injustices not only to black Americans but Native Americans, Irish, Chinese, Mexican and Japanese Americans as well as the reverse discrimination of White Americans.
That should have been “so that they have no option but compliance.