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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drops a NUKE on Democrats over Virtual Learning

Florida Governor DeSantis destroyed the teachers’ unions in other states refusing to return to school in his recent message. He argues Florida returned to in-person learning in September with virtually no consequences  from COVID and will not turn back.

Noting the CDC education updates, he shared, “We’ve been in-person as much as anybody in the country and yet we’re 34th out of 50 states.”

He added, “There is no evidence to suggest that school kids should do anything else other than be in school. This has been clear for months.”

Slamming the Biden administration’s COVID-19 stimulus package, DeSantis also revealed, “It does not require another $100 billion. The school reopening plan that makes the most sense is if you want to open schools, open them.”


If anyone in Chicago or San Francisco is looking for a new school, you might want to check out Florida. You can count on them being open as long as Governor DeSantis and other common sense conservatives continue to show leadership across the state.

Check out Governor DeSantis full throttling of teachers, Democrats and the ultra liberal teacher’s union that are destroying children’s lives and mental health.

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49 thoughts on “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drops a NUKE on Democrats over Virtual Learning”

    1. Ron DeSantis is a true leader. He does not follow the foolish politicians in the east coast or the foolish politicians on the west coast . Fear and control of the people is the Democrats goal. Destroy our democracy and institute socialism. Say goodbye to our children’s and grandparents future if they can have there way. Don’t be fooled let’s fight back . Our President Donald Trump is the new Republican Party leader . Between the two of these men we can reverse what’s going on, join in and support the Republicans agenda.

    2. I’m so happy to live in Florida with a common sense governor. I love Gov De Santis. Others should learn from him !

    3. Good for you Governor DeSantis!! You and Florida’s educators gave followed the science and your children and their families are so much better for it!

      1. Your so right. If the educators don’t want to teach in school, then let them go and get someone else in their place that does want to teach the way children want to be taught. Good teachers


    1. I agree, he is a leader of leaders and continues to support the citizens of the state of Florida with great policies. I hope the other states recognize what could have been for their families.

  1. Come on people wake up. This liberal crap is meant to destroy you and me and USA. Change to a party if common sense. There is no Democratic party anymore.

  2. A great governor, who knows how to get things done. Low taxes,great infrastructure,common sense. A model for other states to follow.

    1. Paul you are a moron trump and desantos are both great men Biden is destroying our country look at all the damage he has done in a month imagine four years we need one of these great men in 2024

    2. And uncle Joe isn’t, he is a two faced lier! He said before he was elected you can’t rule by executive order and now he is doing just that !

    3. Just like a biden voter to answer like that. Need I say more stay in your basement we won’t bother you and if you like we will send you newsletter on how great it is to breath fresh air and send you pictures of sunlight.

    4. You are a fool. I hope you will be happy as your taxes go up, the jobs are given away to illegal aliens and more babies are murdered in the womb. May God have mercy on you.

  3. I moved out of NYC and moved to Arlington VA. I should have kept going south. Ron DeSantis is a GREAT governor and is certainly the best presidential candidate for 2024 if President Trump doesn’t run.

  4. Hey Paul you and the Democratic Party are the hungry idiots. Trump will be back to take our country back to god not to the devil.

  5. The Best Governor in the Country. If you don’t like it here, Please feel free to move out. We don’t need any Democrat Poison, this state is running just fine. WELL DONE GOVERNOR DESANTIS !

  6. DeSantis is a great leader. The States that complain because there schools aren’t open only need to complain to their liberal leaders. The American people are tired of hearing about these States and their lockdowns. All teachers who refuse to return to the classrooms should be fired and replaced.

  7. Thank you Governor DeSantis its such a breath of fresh air to come from New York the state the Governor has totally destroyed and the people are in so much fear it brings tears to my eyes. Yes we need to duplicate Governor DeSantis many times over. I don’t understand how these Governors think they control the people. We the people should be in control. Thank you again Governor DeSantis you should be proud of yourself. You are running the state for the people. Blessings.

  8. Thank you Governor. Why is the GOP establishment not saying the same thing on a National Level? Why is the GOP establishment taking the LOUD vocal lead on getting kids back in school? Why is the GOP establishment not calling out Biden everyday on his failure to lead ? Why is the GOP establishment not showing up at every “press” conference and challenging the teachers unions control over the Democrat party? Why…Trump and 74 million voters are right in that the GOP RHINOS and still present Trump haters do not want to fight.

    1. You are so right, John. Why the heck isn’t the GOP supporting parents and individual states’ rights? I’m thinking that if they don’t make Trump head of the GOP/RNC that there will be a new party. One that is loyal to Americans and one that keeps an “America First” agenda. Trump and DeSantis in 2024, and in 2028 Desantis and his choice for VP. I’d like to see Ivanka or Candace or Jarred Kushner. Whoever he chooses (given the opportunity) will be someone he knows and trusts, and that has proven to be a very troublesome choice for the dems/libs given who we have in office now.

  9. De Santis is the most level headed governor any state has ever seen.Too bad the moron democrats can’t or rather won’t see the truth.Bravo Ron De Santis.God is on your shoulder.Keep up the GREAT work you are doing for us Floridians.GOD bless you.

  10. In the 1970’s I was a member of the American Federation of Teachers Local 683. If I were still in education, I would never now be a member. The place of a Union is to negotiate; not become a left wing mouthpiece nor oppose 2nd Amendment rights.

  11. Great leadership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    DeSantis and Trump aren’t fearful of the damn communists trying to take our country!!!

  12. Why don’t parents get together and find another way around those that don’t want to teach our children.look at the rural schools and they are many out there.
    Hire a temp teacher, rent a large space , get some tables and chairs, a white/black board, books and start teaching.
    Better than sitting at home not learning.

  13. Our elected officials must withhold all money from schools that are not open!!! Why do they continue to give our tax dollars to schools and teachers who aren’t working??? Biden received huge donations from teachers unions, now they are basically blackmailing him!!! Their demands aren’t about covid – read what they want – things like defunding the police!!!!!!! So – open the schools right now or you don’t get paid!!!

  14. DeSantis is a man as is PRESIDENT TRUMP, not a skunk like biden–who stinks. It is easy to throw stones when you are out of office, or tooooooooooooooooooooo stupid to understand.

  15. Our Governor is fantastic and we are blessed having left NY 24 years ago. He is a beacon of common sense and thoughtful consideration of the facts and science in his decision making. We are hopeful that he will use ever means possible to thwart Biden’s outrageous executive orders on so many fronts designed to circumvent and destroy our God given rights enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The one problem that we see is the encouragement to people in Blue states to leave and come here. The major problem is that they will probably vote for he same destructive progressive politicians that ruined their states and drove them out. God help us if that happens.

  16. Illinois has systematically been on a road to ruin for decades, and we have Mike Madigan (D) and his cronies to thank for that. For the last 8 years we have had massive numbers of residents, and businesses move out of our state. We are over taxed, and all they want to do is keep raising taxes to cover their failings as leaders.

    It’s so sad Chicago one of our nations most beautiful cities is going down the tubes. The Chicago public schools threaten a strike or do strike every year for money and more money….you can set your watch to it. Of course this is all under the guise it’s for the children. The horrible amount looting that took place, the car hijackings and crime is out of control. Defund the police, get a grip on reality. The current mayor needs help and even refused it. Old Mayor Daley didn’t mess around with rioting! He took control while liberals then and now cry … oh boo hoo. Will Chicago ever get a strong, preferably incorruptible leadership? Who could forget, the infamous tongue in check humor … it’s Chicago, vote early, vote often!

    You’re so fortunate Florida to have a great governor. He’s a rare find, with your support he’ll be able to continue governing for the people. Maybe he could give some pointers to Washington DC, which should not become a state!

  17. For what it may be worth I praise Governor DeSantis on his leadership and steadfast positions on the subjects that matter most to the everyday middle and lower income folks. He is truly a champion of common sense logic, practical application of science and even handedness in his decision making process that benefits everyone impartially. A good man and should consider a run for higher office. But only after another term as Gov…I respect the man !!!

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