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SHAMELESS: Hillary Clinton Openly Brags about Democrats Using Pandemic to Take Over as Much of the Country as Possible

As much as everyday Americans would like nasty Hillary Clinton to go away, she spreads and festers like a political pandemic. And although the vast majority grow weary of her left-wing drivel, her remarks on this shocking video prove Democrats are reticent to give up all their new found powers from the pandemic and instead want to expand their governmental control over citizens.

Hillary spent decades as a Washington, D.C., insider as a first lady, U.S. Senator for New York, and Obama’s Secretary of State. During that time, she never wavered from her anti-freedom positions that big government rule is a Democrat endgame.

When interviewed about the federal government’s role in the waning Covid pandemic, Hillary bragged about how Democrats have taken advantage of citizen vulnerabilities. She makes the clever argument that the pandemic demonstrates in a “clear” way that everyday people need government intervention, and they are only now realizing it.

She immodestly boasts that Independent and Republican voters have come to the table to back wide-reaching federal programs that take decisions away from local communities and deliver power to her cronies in the Swamp.


But the stinging rebuke on this powerful video doesn’t let Hillary’s propaganda stand. After taking a long hard look at the Biden Administration’s agenda and exposing the truth about the tough spot Americans are in, it’s abundantly clear voters need to reject Democrat power grabs. If you want the true facts about the scam Joe Biden and Democrats are running, watch this video now!

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80 thoughts on “SHAMELESS: Hillary Clinton Openly Brags about Democrats Using Pandemic to Take Over as Much of the Country as Possible”

  1. In stead of her being secretary, She was Secret-tary. But we all know her secrets now. So she admits it was a “PLAN-demic all along. Again no secret.

    1. Hillary would like nothing better then to see America destroyed. Every one knows what you and your family did. You should be put in jail for TREASON.

          1. You Americans allow them to get away with anything and everything, so it is YOUR fault, as well as the anti-American democrats, rhinos and their tools for hate and division of America! They use the medias to cause civil unrest and to promote racism all for manipulation and control of the dumbed down blind masses of snowflakes, and the worse part YOU Americans allow it. Corrupt politicians get rich all while screwing You Americans over and You let them through blind patriotism!

        1. Oh how I would like to see that. However, just exposing her and Billy to their association with Epstein would help.

          1. The Clintons and allot of other corrupt dem’s are connected with child smuggling sex rings how do you think they made and are still making their millions. WAKE UP PEOPLE why do you think nothing is being done at the border???????????????? They are doing this right under our noses out in the open and nothing is stopping them now. These pour women and kids what they have to endure so the corrupt government that is now in place can make their millions. SOMEONE STOP THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        2. I think it would be better for to go down by the way Ethel Rosenberg went down. When she was given the Electric Chair for treason and espionage it took her 3 shocks to go down unlike her husband going down in one shock.

      1. she is a vindictive batch. she only cares about herself, read dnesh desouzas book death of a nation and see what bill supposedly said of her eating habits. funny…..


      2. URANIUM ONE ((20% of America’s Uranium to Russia for “donations (?)” to the Clinton Foundation))—

      3. Well! Just like the 2020 voter fraud by the anti-American democrats, Rhinos and their tools for hate and division of America the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES and now their fraudulent means of all elections from here on out got away with cheating at the 2020 election, Americans will just allow it and do NOTHING about it, of a future voter fraud of a hiilary clinton as president ,and I mean Nothing, In the whole of America no one can come to a solution? It will only take a massive Unity of both civilians and military to solve America’s problem and drain the swamp, after all on one is immune to DOMESTIC tyranny be it civilians, military and their families, America is tired of dying in useless wars for corrupt politicians profits! Do what the people of Iceland did to rid government corruption from the very top to bottom! there really are a lot more of Americans than politicians!

        1. Ditto! “It will only take a massive Unity of both civilians and military to solve America’s problem and drain the swamp, after all on one is immune to DOMESTIC tyranny be it civilians, military and their families, America is tired of dying in useless wars for corrupt politicians profits!”


        1. With all that we think we know she has done I do not understand why formal charges have never been filed. Is she such an accomplished crook that she’s always managed to scrap by without ever producing the evidence to support what we think she’s done? How come the FBI with a new Director has not reversed the fouled up decision made by Mr. Comey? Was all that about violations of the national security act just smoke and mirrors. Comey said she’d been appallingly careless regarding her elevated duty as Secretary of State to protect national secrets. He had originally said in his notes negligent but the AG office advised him to not say negligent because that word is specifically used in the federal code. Using negligent would almost guarantee charges would be filed. So he changed “negligent” to “careless.” Can anyone tell me why a synonym for negligent is not just a damming as the word “negligent.” The thesaurus says the two are used interchangeably. If A = B then B must = A. There’s not a wit of difference between the two if she was careless about her elevated duty as Secretary of State to protect national secrets then she was NEGLIGENT! and I believe she was culpably negligent. He, Mr. Comey went on to say there was no criminal intent. That’s debatable but the point is criminal intent is not a requirement regarding the issue of violating the Secrecy Acts. You do not have to have intended to commit a crime for some violations of law. What is important is the issue of absolute liability. Lets say a tanker full of anhydrous ammonia has a wreck in the road right in front of your home. A reportable amount of the NH3 is lost when the tanker is ruptured. The NH3 gets into the ditch along the highway and from there it ends up in the Ohio River. If EPA or your state environmental people want to push the matter you as the land owner is a PRP potentially responsible party. That the NH# got into a navigable stream governed by the US Coast Guard is a major federal violation and you as the land owner if they want to get you for political reasons they can charge you with being a polluter of federal waterways making you financially responsible for the clean up. You as the land owner are Absolutely Liable. So was Hillary. so much for equal justice under the law there is one law if you are peon and another if you are an elite in this case and elite liberal.

    2. Evil at her level and the level of the DNC leadership is unparalleled. Even Draco was a piker compared to Obama, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, AOC Warren, Kerry, and Holder!

    3. Hillary lived a rather pathetic life, a miserable human being who lives submerged in hatred, jealousy, resentment and regret.
      She has no one to blame for her terrible life but herself.
      Thank goodness she was never elected President! She would have ruined our country faster than the old guy is doing now!

    4. WOW – Hillary Clinton needs to go away — far away – exiled to a Soviet Country – hmm China sounds good ! She will never win a presidency by these type of actions. She’s almost as disgusting as Laughing Hyena Harris !

  2. I keep telling ya, they’re not even pretending anymore! And people are now dumb enough to let it happen.

  3. No one crossed party lines. You try to steal the first election and failed. I wonder how much it cost to win the second election.

    1. It cost the personal morel integrity of the Dems who stole a presidential election. Who will answer to God. And will be known in history as the shame of the United States of America. The Dems are controlled by crime families, but we know they are puppets. The puppeteers must be brought to justice.

    2. Hey Carole, It didn’t cost very much to walk through the cemeteries in the swing States and collect enough dead people names and the voters that voted 4 or 5 times to steal the 2020 election. If China Joe Biden got 81 Million votes I have 10 bridges I’ll sell you for $1.00 each. Democrat are filthy, lying crooks that will do anything to destroy America. Period!

  4. “Yes we can!” fet rid of her; and because it’s Hellary, let’s spell it right: “Yes we C.U.N.T.!”
    Time to put all this scum behind bars, try them fir treason and hang them up high!
    Filthy scum!


  5. Hey chunky you ought to get with Kamala and tell her how you got your pant suits to fit so tightly, because the other night her’s fit her like a feed sack. You Hillary just like the last pick in the NFL draft are so irrelavant. It must eat at your sole that Kamala Toe has the first chance to be President before you. Wow how do you look on the mirror everyday?

  6. Once again Hillary is WRONG. While some people are indeed falling in line, there are those of us independent enough to recognize the left wing scams, and have refused the controls, the bribes and mandates of the left.

  7. When was this interview conducted? She has been dead since 4/26.2021 at 9;05 pm. Based on your false innuendos is anything you have written true? Stop being fake.

    1. Yes…BOTH Clintons were arrested, charged w/ treason/crimes against humanity, tried and convicted by military tribunal and then executed! ?

    2. Possibly. Do you have proof. If so, I would like to see it. Yeah. Your right though, that’s Hillary’s double. I knew it immediately. She hasn’t appeared with Bill in quite some time. Probably been in GITMO.

    3. where did you find that info that she’s dead? I want to find it too, that’s important news if true.

  8. If there ever was a stupid person in politics its the beast herself Hillary Clinton!! she needs to be gaged!!!

  9. We need to go back to when most men wore guns on their side, and killers and people like Hillary Clinton and Biden, Sorros, Pelosi and Obama are publicly hung by the neck.

  10. “Therefore this is what The LORD SAYS, Again and Again your guilt cries out against you, for you are NOT ashamed of your sin. YOU DON’T EVEN TRY TO HIDE IT. Wherever you go, Whatever you do, ALL your actions are filled with sin. DO MOW THE TIME OF YOUR PUNISHMENT HAD COME…I, THE LORD WILL POUR OUT MY FURY ON YOU AND BLOW ON YOU WITH THE ? FIRE?OF MY ANGER.” (Ezekiel 21) I send these WORDS of GOD to Manifest throughout The DNC-Democrats-Hunter, Joe Biden-Harris, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Rice, Tech CEO’sensorship, Soros, and ALL connected-involved with these INCREDIBLE WICKED DEEDS, Conspiracies working Against ALMIGHTY GOD’S PLANS-Agenda for America-Israel-The Earth. I Trust GOD’S JUSTICE FAIRNESS HONESTY TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS TO CONTINUE to EXPOSE, Destroy, Punish Everyone who is involved with these vile corrupt strategies, destructive actions, schemes, lies, deceit, cover ups, Alliances with pagan, wicked, foreign nations-money laundering, Dominion-Smartmatic voting ballots Cheating, ALL Evil works. I only Agree with GOD’S WILL for America-Israel-The Earth, GOD’S WILL MUST PREVAIL. INDEED. NOW. ALWAYS. I decree in JESUS NAME and AUTHORITY Forever.

  11. the liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ticks announce one more time. They are not going to stop until they start the shooting war, When there are none left , they will stop

  12. Hitlery can kiss my a$$. The vindictive witch is worth nothing more than a spot on the firing squad – as the target.

    1. hey barney, I saw an ad that would fit her to a T. it is for a wireless communication hole puncher, an A.K.!!!!! that would make a great tee shirt!!!!!

  13. when hilarious speaks, no one listens. all she spouts is. b-s. I wouldn’t believe her at any time. she is in a twist about the Ariz, audit. why would she send her dog Elias down there to muck up the works? there are over 100 lawyers for the demon rats protesting their butts off, but so far, thank GOD, no one has caved to their crap. n.h. is the next target. their legislature tried to pull a fast one and hire the people to audit that have proclaimed there is no fraud. guess how that would work out? the good people have cried foul, so maybe they will have to find someone else. our auditors from fl. are going to do that one also. go guys!!!!!! hopefully, all swing states will be forced to audit. from there, who knows, as this is uncharted territory. have to wait and see. keep the faith, tho. MAGA. KAG/.

  14. The Medias don’t have to cover the stories that are TRUE about the Stolen Election because when they are SILENT we Americans KNOW the TRUTH!
    It’s a shame the Democrats are so jealous that Trump did such a Way Better Job than any sitting President in time because He LOVED the Americans where the Democrats hate us for their own gains and it surely shows in their actions.

  15. Hillary is one of the diseases affecting the USA today. Too bad there is no vaccination for her.

  16. Hillary once said she loved Democrats because most were not very educated and they are easily manipulated. She actually stole that from James Carville – Bill’s campaign manager – advisor and Democrat strategist. Carville went even farther saying that he could make Democrats do whatever he wanted. How many Democrats have not rushed to be vaccinated with the faulty COVID vaccines? Climbing over each other and fighting to be first? I am not a doctor but I do know that there is no such thing as a one size fits all medicine in the world. There are even some people who are allergic to pure water. While I was in the service we were forced to take the Swine Flu shot – maybe that’s why I am so skeptical about these new hardly tested vaccines. I find it ironic how the left can make such a big deal out of one COVID related death but totally ignore deaths that have been caused by the vaccines. Death is death and each one is a big deal – especially to the victim – their family and friends. “Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.”

  17. Is Hillary still at large? I was sure that she had been in prison for a long time for the numerous murders of her former friends, colleagues and children, in order to get adenochrom out of them for her rejuvenation.

  18. This evil LOSER need to get over the fact that she LOST and thank God for the country she did. We knew this pandemic is being used, and it doesn’t matter if it’s costing lives to do so. Keep talking LOSER and the people will be voting Republican in 2022, and 2024. It’s already started. Thanks for the help LOSER.

  19. Here is a thought: Since Biden is not doing his job (Constitution states as executive – job to execute laws passed by Congress) when he does not defend the border of our country by upholding the immigration laws currently on the books. Do we have a country? If not, can he be the president of a non-existent country? If we don’t have a country, and he is president of nothing, do we have to listen to him or his “Executive Orders”?

    It seems to be a conundrum. Biden is not my president.

  20. Everywhere dopey Joe goes, people should wear costume’s – skeletons & zombies – holing up placards saying “I voted for Dopey Joe” …. well, millions of dead DID vote for the loonie ….
    In fact – not just were crazy Joe goes – do it all the time …..

  21. She is like a plague that will not go away. Almost like a bad case of VD or the Black Plague.

  22. Hillary spent decades as a Washington, D.C., insider as a first lady, U.S. Senator for New York, and Obama’s Secretary of State. During that time, she never wavered from her anti-freedom positions that big government rule is a Democrat endgame.

    Big government rule is a Democrat REGIME OF DICK-IATORSHIP OVER THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

  23. I will say it again. There are four people who need to be charge with AIDING THE ENEMY OF AMERICA. And these four people need to be executed by firing squad in front of a TV set. OBAMA, HILLARY, BIDEN,KERRY, RICE! OOPS! THAT FIVE! Now we are seeing other politicians who need to be added to the list for their role in breaking ARTICLE 2 SECTION 4 OF THE CONSTITUTION LAWS. EVEN THEIR ROLE IN PUSHING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST OTHER. Which is in ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4.

  24. She needs to be tried in the courts for treason, But she won’t be. Unfortunately utube removed the video, wished I could have seen it I would have loved to send it to people that love their agenda

  25. The old bat didn’t say anything most intelligent folks dont already know!! She should watch her back though, she’s not the only one with hit men on retainer!!?

  26. We should rename the bit*h Herpes Rodham Clinton…she is a virus that keeps recurring.

  27. It is past time for someone to put a stop to evil Hillary, along with all the other satan follower’s, known as the Leftist ! Where are all the Patriot’s in this country? SOMEONE stand up for America. This evil regime MUST be stopped NOW! The whole world KNOWS that we have an illegal man in the White House, the whole world knows about the government corruption, THE WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT THE USA ! The whole world is waiting to see if we have anyone that is brave enough to stop the BORDER MADNESS that is going on! Biden has not only destroyed AMERICA, he has also MADE A disaster of the entire world situation!! PLEASE….SOMEONE do something ! Otherwise, the whole world will be consumed by communism !!

  28. WHY is Hollywood SCUM so silent all of a sudden? They love the Leftist , hate, anger, lies, and communism so much, why aren’t they in the White House ass kissing the way they have been doing for such a long time?? And, where is Miss LOUD MOUTH WATER”S this week? Don’t tell me that someone actually got her to shut that ugly face for a while? Thought she would be right there next to Hillary!

  29. What a Witch, Usually spelled with a B. The whole lot of them should have been locked up a long time ago, that way we would not have to see her REALY UGLY face any more, or listen to her “Poor Me’s” anymore. She is the poorest excuse for a human being that ever was. Scum, and her husband is worse than scum. Pedophile. They both need to be tried and convicted for their crimes. Won’t happen, but should.

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